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Micromacrame Necklace with Garnet, Carnelian, Sunstone & Red Jasper in 1mm & 0.5mm Linhasita threads
❤ Garnet is a stone for security, as an amulet / talisman stone, providing protection. Dispels non beneficial energies & dissipates worry or panic. It brings truth to the forefront, yours & others. Aiding one in establishing a intimate relationship with the earth, reawakening the connection between you & your body, opening the portal of connection to the physical world. A stone for the base / root chakra, also to arouse the kundalini energies within.
🔥Carnelian for the base / root, sacral / navel & solar plexus chakras enhancing creativity, aiding in renewed self confidence combined with assertive will, gives you strengthened courage to overcome all forms of hesitation, it gives you a boost in vitality, heightens and deepens sexuality with passion. It adds life force into your being giving you the desire to live life fully and to experience more. It stimulates the body into movement, action and rhythm, great for dance, or any physical activities. If you are one to write lists or not get things done it helps to dissolve procrastination and provides motivation and enthusiasm. I use carnelian when searching for a new job, or moving house, or wanting to start a new exercise regime, or if I've forgotten the rhythm of life.
🌞 By stimulating the sacral chakra, Sunstone brings a flood of light into dark corners of the mind, making it an excellent healing aid for clearing away negative thought patterns. ... Bring an instant ray of sunshine into your life when you incorporate the Sunstone crystal stone meaning into your daily meditation practice.
❤Red jasper is for the base & earth star chakra, vitality, health, strength, stamina, joy, nurturing, caring, earthing, grounding, balancing and soothing the emotions.
Most beneficial for those who carry or utilise this stone long term, it truly assists one in becoming 'down-to-earth' resulting with the freedom to express oneself fully.
It energetically rectifys unjust situations or experiences and brings any problems or issues to light prior to them becoming explosive, while also providing insight in how to come to a resolution.
If you use this stone under your pillow it will assist you with dream recall.
A stone for those doing rebirth work and can initiate the rising of kundalini energies as it stimulates the awakening of the base chakra and the sleeping coiled serpent within. Great for those wanting a detox and also enhances the effects of exercise. Aids circulation and the respiratory system.
This piece took approximately 20 hours to create.
The adjustable 4 strand diamond braid necklace strap longest at 70cm / 27.5" & can be shortened to as short as you like.
Created with linhasita threads, 0.5mm & 1mm 100% waxed polyester from Brazil. These threads are waterproof, fade and colour resistant
Hand made with love for the benefit of all souls involved to evolve
*please be aware that there are postage delays worldwide from impacts due to Covid-19
International post includes tracking number through E-Ship New Zealand. I endeavour to ship your item within 3 days of ordering & E-Ship intends to have your package arrive within 10 days from date of postage...still please be aware there can be custom delays or other unforeseen postage issues with worldwide Covid-19.
Postage within New Zealand is Courier includes tracking